I decided to build a simple shadehouse for my plants this year. In the previous years I've kept them in under lights or in hanging pots under tree branches. This build cost less that $100 and was really just a hodgepodge of different things I had lying around, paving stones, shade cloth, 2x4's, chicken wire, plastic sheeting, you get it.
So far so good, it's a little warm inside, might have to add more fans. Light levels on the Catasetinae are around 4200 fc. Light disperses well off the Aluminet and poly covering.
Here's what's inside:
Catasetum pileatum v. imperiale ('Pierre Couret' HCC/AOS x 'SVO Blood Red')
Catasetum pileatum v. imperiale 'SVO Blood Red' division!
Catasetum Brent's Black Hawk division
Catasetum Dagny 'Moonchild'
Clowesia Jumbo Grace
Fdk (Mo. Painted Desert 'SVO' x Ctsm. Orchidglade 'JTM')
Fdk (Fdk. Dark There After 'Dark Daze' x Ctsm. Orchidglade 'JTM')
Fdk. Dark There After division
Fdk. Julio David Rios
Paph delenatii ('Giant' x 'Black Foligue')
Paph (Rasin Pie x Supersuk)
Paph (Ruth Wright x Nulight)
Phal NOID 'Beasley'
That's it! Wish me luck!