Originally Posted by estación seca
Your plant is pushing a new growth now. That means you continued watering it after you should have stopped in the fall.
Not necessarily. I have had them pop new growths mid season and late in the season...when they are are not even close to going dormant. Some are just more prone to this than others. Also, some have exceptionally short dormancy periods and if that hybrid has that mix in it's background then you will see new growths at what seems like "off" times. I follow the lead of the mature growths and sometimes that means I lose smaller, immature growths. It's not a big deal.
As for the dividing...I have divided when dormant, when coming out of dormancy, and just before heading into the dormancy period and all with similar results. The only catch when dividing during dormancy is to make sure you don't get any water trapped in the nooks and crannies of the dormant pbulb and or let the dormant growth be exposed to water for an extended period of time because some of the more sensitive types can rot rather easily.
Personally, I prefer to divide and repot those that need it when they are dormant. When done at the right time I find I don't have the lag in getting those older growths to sprout new growths and I don't risk breaking new tender growths when they are first getting started. When I divide after the new spring growth starts, I find it takes a good deal more time for the older growths to sprout new life.
I don't think it's that big of a deal when it's done as long as the plant is not in full swing of active growth. Ideally, you wouldn't want to divide when it's mid-season but other than that...whatever works for you should be fine for the plant. At least that's been my experience.