Deflasking Mormodes?
Hello Everyone. I am a long-time lurker, first-time poster. I have purchased a flask of Mermodes hookeri and am looking for some guidance about how to handle them during and following deflasking. I understand the mechanics of physically removing them from the flask, but am wondering if there is anything I need to do with respect to transitioning them into compots and the months that follow. In particular, I am wondering if there is anything special I need to do because of the dormant cycle. Do the seedlings even go dormant?
I would welcome any information or suggestions you might have. My current plan is to lay them in groups of 5 or 6 plants on a bed of sphagnum and perlite, mist with physan, and then mist daily. I will start them under paph light and move them to phal light after a couple of weeks, then eventually transition to cattleya light.
Many thanks.