Thanks, Katrina.
When you say you break off the new growth, do you mean you break off the brannew part off the previous year's pb and pot it up alone?? I thought they somehow rely on the "mother bulb" for nutrition??
Have you tried separating individual pbs?
Regarding potting mix, as surprised as I am, I think I will have to come up with something different than moss alone. I just don't feel safe about them.
Perhaps adding some small rocks (this for sure as I don't use clay pots for some reason and these plants get top heavy although they are not that tall), or something that help open up the mix a bit but still retain water good. hmmm
Female or male, both welcome on cycnoches, although I prefer the look of male flowers more.
They are both very fragrant and I love to smell the flowers on these.

Do you find that when these plants make female flowers, the flower count is not as good as when they make male flowers?
I think all the pictures I see and the ones I had in the past with male flowers were all quite numerous.
I just had two female flowers, but then again, the growing tip of the spike got damaged and dried up.
---------- Post added at 01:35 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:57 PM ----------
I know it's very early, but I was not really expecting one right after another.
This is on Cyn. Swan Cascade x warscewiczii that had two female flowers in the past month or so. I think I had them for 6 weeks.
I wonder what I will get this time. Male flowers, so I can see if the color will be any different.
I'll keep you guys updated in a few weeks.