Originally Posted by howze01
I've been wanting a Stanhopea, and this one in particular, for a while now. I dig their weird flowers and the spikes coming from the bottom through the basket.
Really good job getting it to bloom. Any tips for growing and blooming them?
They like it hot and they like lots of water. Other than that I don't really do much for it. It gets the same fertilizer my other orchids get which is K-lite. It is in sphagnum in a plastic slotted basket and gets tons of air flow. I keep it mostly shaded, only receives morning dappled sunlight and is shaded the rest of the day. Quite an easy plant to keep.
Originally Posted by isurus79
Good looking tigrina, but I think you're right about it not being 'Predator.' Could be a Predator selfing?
It doesn't indicate on the tag that it is a selfing. Ah well, I will keep trying for the dark form.