I don't know anything about growing plants in the Stanhopea alliance; I got my 1st (Stanhopea tigrina) in February, it seems pretty happy it has 10 new growths started. I was impatient and bought a Coryanthes macrantha and a Gongora gratulabunda at Redland. The Coryanthes came from a domestic vendor in a pot as an already well grown plant, and the new growth it came with is growing and joined by a couple others. The Gongora is a bare root import, 3 pbulbs and had most of the roots cut off. (hey, I got it Sunday afternoon so it was only $10...) I don't see any new root or pbulb growth yet, but it has started a bloom spike. This makes me nervous- swan song! I'd rather see it grow vegetatively first. Should I break it off?
It is in a tree fern pot, with a horse turd, medium bark with some perlite, and spag mix. Top dressing of spag. It's hanging from a plumeria in a rather overgown and humid spot. Bright but mostly indirect light. (I just moved it s couple feet to where it will get a little dappled direct).