(Mo. Painted Desert SVO HCC x Ctsm. Donna Wise Kathleen AM/AOS)
This is a famous and hugely awarded near black orchid hybrid cross from Sunset Valley Orchids in California.
The cross comes from Mo. Painted Desert ‘SVO’ HCC/AOS (Morm. sinuata ‘SVO’ HCC/AOS x Cl. Rebecca Northen ‘Grapefruit Pink’), which is a secondary hybrid that has deep red flowers with darker red stripes, well-shaped flowers on pendent inflorescences. The other parent, Ctsm. Donna Wise Kathleen AM/AOS (Ctsm. Orchidglade x Ctsm. tenebrosum), adds additional color from the tenebrosum and assures large flower size.
Awarded FCC/AOS for flowers that are fragrant (smells of cinnamon/ginger candy), excellent form, unique amazing color, that often last over 6 weeks (unheard of for Catasetinae)!
The flower quality of this hybrid orchid plant has been exceptional that is blooming out nicely for me; giving me fourteen robust flowers in a long cascading spike ( I had to use a 18 inches glass vase as a lift yet the tip is still touching the bottom). The flowers have colors ranging from a dark purplish brown fuchsia pink spotty flower to almost black that can vary its coloring on each spike and by different light (indoors or outdoors).
I got this plant two years ago with a large cane that just have bloomed and I am lucky to get two very healthy canes with it, with excellent roots and I was informed that this came from plants which have been flowering for at least the past few years.
I will be doing divisions after the blooms are gone and start the rest period by withholding water, but I will water once a month or once every two months, if I see the canes starting to shrivel….watering regularly during the dormant period can cause the bulbs to rot. I only start watering when the new growth's roots are three inches or longer then I water it and feed it fertilizer (K-lite and seaweed mix) a lot when in its growing period in the warmer months.
This is potted in sawdust mix recommended by Euplusia which is working for all my Catasetinae.