Just walked in to shut the window after seeing the time and just saw this. This is why all my orchids are inside currently....sorry hoppers no expensive orchids for you today.
Grasshoppers my eye, that's a horde of locusts!
Be who you are and say what you think. Those who matter don't mind and those who mind don't matter.
I am glad we don't get grasshoppers that big up here. Hope your orchid is doing better. I use that same fertilizer that Katrina recommended...for all my plants now. For some I have to add iron to lower the pH but, wow, it is good stuff.
At least you have the other. I still find these a mystery. My Wine Delights have been out in full sun all summer but I don't see any sign of future blooms even if they look happy. I am guessing I am still missing something. :|
At least you have the other. I still find these a mystery. My Wine Delights have been out in full sun all summer but I don't see any sign of future blooms even if they look happy. I am guessing I am still missing something. :|
Dont ask me. My big one being a butt now 2. And my yellow wine delight is leaf less and in spike....
I just received a Wine Delight from eBay and the buds are opening but the leaves are also yellowing.
I also have a Witchcraft in bud that looks like it's going to lose all of its leaves before it blooms...it's gonna look pretty funny, I think.
The Black Pearl is in bud with nice green leaves. I really indulged myself with this alliance and probably bit off more than I can chew at once.
I decided my leafless cycnode has come here out of normal cycle. The other one idk yet. Oh you seem to have some lovely ones. I like them because they sleep in the winter and I dont have to mess with them to much! Especially this winter when I am going into my last semester of college. Who did u get your wine delight from on ebay?