cycnode 'golden shower' in bloom cane beginning to shrivel..
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cycnode 'golden shower' in bloom cane beginning to shrivel..
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Old 07-01-2014, 09:16 PM
kindrag23 kindrag23 is offline
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cycnode 'golden shower' in bloom cane beginning to shrivel.. Female
Default cycnode 'golden shower' in bloom cane beginning to shrivel..

This is my cycnodes that has been in bloom about 5 days ago I cut the 1st spike off as it was done blooming. That was when I noticed the older back cane was becoming very squishy like it was ill (like my mormode became very infected later. Its better now though :-) ). I cut the cane back at the squishiest/soggiest/super bendiest feeling point. And then cleaned the plant and checked for issues heres my results.

_no bad odors
_ no signs of rot/ooze/yucky stuff
_no signs of bugs
_no root rot or fungus looking stuff or even soft spots around the base.
_ I let it dry out but not to dry. Gets bright warm light from tortoise heat light.
_ceiling fan above goes on medium non stop for air movement.

The cane with the blooms has started to become slightly wrinkly and soft towards the top what do I do?

I also sprayed w physon 20 solution like the pamphlet it comes with says to do. I now have it sitting in my west facing bathroom window with the window open for air flow.
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Old 07-02-2014, 09:22 AM
katrina katrina is offline
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cycnode 'golden shower' in bloom cane beginning to shrivel.. Female

The back bulb is being consumed by the plant to help grow the newest growth. It's not a's a normal process for these guys.

If you ever order in from S Amer...expect more squishy back bulbs in order to make the newest. Just part of the process. seems that you've had some trouble w/your Ctsm this year and looking at your pics...I have to say, it looks quite dry. How often are you watering and fertilizing these guys?

They need a LOT of water at this point in their growth. And if they aren't getting enough then they kind of slip back into a dormant mode. I've never had this happen but I know others that have and to me it looks like a survival mechanism by the plant.

Personally, I never let mine dry out when they are in their active growth mode. They are growing so fast over such a short period of time and that is accomplished best when they have access to constant moisture. Also, IME, they do better w/a heavier (than other orchids) "feeding" schedule.

I have granular, time released fert in the pot AND they get the same liquid fert schedule as the rest of my orchids. They need to grow those big, fat pbulbs and they need to do it in about a third of the time that other orchids produce their growths so that requires a lot of energy - light, water, nutrients.

Ok, so while the oldest growth is being consumed...the plant still needs to store energy in the new growths so a good watering and fert schedule will ensure strong new growths moving forward.
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Old 07-02-2014, 10:29 AM
kindrag23 kindrag23 is offline
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cycnode 'golden shower' in bloom cane beginning to shrivel.. Female

I use the skewer method and feed lightly once a week. Glad the weird squishyness is not rot of some kind. It was still damp when I checked yesterday. I battled rot on one because I had a water schedule and the humidity was to much so it caused issues.

Thanks for the help Katrina. My older back phulbs would dehydrate quickly but never just become squishy to the touch like this one has. I will feed and water it today. As today is its feeding time normally.
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Old 07-02-2014, 03:37 PM
katrina katrina is offline
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cycnode 'golden shower' in bloom cane beginning to shrivel.. Female

Some get soft/squishy and turn yellow and others will just dry up and shrivel. And then I've had a few that do a little bit of both...kind of in the middle somewhere.

It can be startling the first few times you see it...after a couple/few years of growing these you begin to see a pattern and you learn what's normal vs. what's problematic. They are so different from other orchids that is does take some time to learn the cycles. Before long you won't even give it a second though.
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Old 07-02-2014, 04:06 PM
Brooke Brooke is offline
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I agree with Katrina - when she says wet, believe her.

I grow mine in net pots with sphag and tree fern as the media PLUS they sit in a saucer of water. By the end of the grow season there are roots sitting in the water.

What kind of fc's does the reptile light provide? I grow mind in Catt light.

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Old 07-02-2014, 04:38 PM
kindrag23 kindrag23 is offline
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cycnode 'golden shower' in bloom cane beginning to shrivel.. Female

Originally Posted by Brooke View Post
I agree with Katrina - when she says wet, believe her.

I grow mine in net pots with sphag and tree fern as the media PLUS they sit in a saucer of water. By the end of the grow season there are roots sitting in the water.

What kind of fc's does the reptile light provide? I grow mind in Catt light.

150 watt heat bulb. While in bloom once it stops (which I honestly can say I hope is soon because the smell is making my allergies insane!) out it goes to my green house with my frd. After dark b little star., Chysis, clowesia/ctsm. Hybrid that are happy out there right now.
I will make sure and keep it slightly wetter than my others.

So glad to hear this. I will be much less flipped out next time I see this happen. Past experiences w this has meant only bad bad bad problems.

Last edited by kindrag23; 07-02-2014 at 05:16 PM..
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Old 07-02-2014, 05:16 PM
Brooke Brooke is offline
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I doubt the plant is getting enough light from the heat bulb. You may be excessively drying it out and not adding any useable light. If you want to enjoy the blooms, sit it on a table and enjoy them.

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Old 07-02-2014, 05:18 PM
kindrag23 kindrag23 is offline
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cycnode 'golden shower' in bloom cane beginning to shrivel.. Female

Good to know. Its now sitting in my bathroom window which is a west facing window I think bright light. My allergies could not take it anymore with it in my living room or my dining room.
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Old 07-26-2014, 03:48 PM
kindrag23 kindrag23 is offline
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cycnode 'golden shower' in bloom cane beginning to shrivel.. Female


It stopped blooming and is now going to sleep its lost almost all its leaves and now less than a month later a new growth has sprung out of nowwhere. I noticed it the other day and there is another it looks as if coming from the bottom. Another plant I obtained from up north seems to also be going to sleep. As well.
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Old 07-26-2014, 04:10 PM
katrina katrina is offline
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cycnode 'golden shower' in bloom cane beginning to shrivel.. Female

Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too early for these guys to be going to sleep. They should still be growing, growing, growing, growing.

If you're losing leaves....sounds like something is wrong in how you're growing it. It's putting out another growth (if that's what it is) because this is not the time for it to be going to sleep so it continue to try and grow. On the other hand...are you sure it's not another spike? It's not at all unusual for these guys to pop 2...even 3 spikes.

Another long have you had the plant and where did you get it? I ask because if it came up from the southern hemisphere any time w/in the past year then it most likely just off cycle...still working on a different seasonal cycle. Making the shift from S to N takes time. IME...all of the Ctsm that I've purchased from below the equator have taken a good year+ to get in sync w/my others.
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