I have seen mixed information on when to water these. I have heard the common 'let er get dried out before watering again' all the way to 'you can water that sucker everyday if you want to' I guess I'm just looking for the best culture for my after dark. If it wants water I'll give it water, but I grow catts and phals... Just worried of rotting the poor thing off.
Thanks for the info.
I am growing in sphag. pot is 4-5 inches. I am growing in a southeast facing window. I think my plant could use a bit more light, but idk. I have been watering when the sphag feels fairly dry, which is about two weeks for me. I am growing it in an air conditioned room if that makes a difference.
That should work well for this year. You might want to repot before the next growing season so you can treat it the same as your Cattleyas. This plant would also do well outside.