what causes the base of the phulb to becoming limp?
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what causes the base of the phulb to becoming limp?
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Old 06-19-2014, 07:24 PM
HighSeas HighSeas is offline
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I'm so sorry...Work. Work. Work. I missed your question about Thiomyl.

NYOrchids is right...it's the same as Clearry's. (however it's spelled) Everyone has their own limitations with Chemicals. I work with Chemicals (and secretions) a lot in Nursing so I am very conscious about what I'm doing. You have to be.

I do like Thiomyl though because it does the job. No guess-work. You have to use some common sense though. Don't get it on your skin....wear gloves. Don't splash it in your eyes, wear goggles. I have a bucket that I use it in and that's all I use that bucket for. Chemicals.

The beauty of Thiomyl is that it's a systemic. Not just topical. Fungi can penetrate and go systemic and often reaches parts of plants that can't be accessed otherwise. Not all strains of fungi can be killed with peroxide and/or Listerine but Thiomyl WILL do the job. It's what I use when I have a plant that I'm not willing to take chances with. Since I have a few of those, when I make a batch, I soak anything suspicious. Don't use it around pets or children....You know....common sense.

You can buy it off Amazon in 8 oz containers. Use 1 tsp. per gallon. Soak the plant in the solution for 15 minutes. Repeat in one week. It doesn't affect flowering.

BUT, that said, Thiomyl works on Fungi. Sounds like you have a bacterial issue....Erwinia or Pseudomonas. Is there a weird smell? Slime? If so, go with liquid copper- 5-tsp./gal. Hope this helps.
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Old 06-19-2014, 07:40 PM
kindrag23 kindrag23 is offline
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what causes the base of the phulb to becoming limp? Female

No smell or slime. It just went soft then dead. The upper phulb was pinched off and just came off with out any peressure. Im hoping that it will heal and rest itself. I followed the pamphlets instructions on my physan 20 heres hoping it helped some.

@ HighSeas i understand the nursing business i cared for my elderly Nana for 2 years before she passed i became good at iv flushes and the such it takes strong people to get through that pressure. Yeesh.
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base, limp, mix, plant, wilted, phulb

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