I dont know about ya'll but the spring here have been a doozy. We get to deal with 2 or more weeks of 90* degree weather to drops in the 40's and below at night and highs in 50s-70* causing issues with fungus and soft spots...
Then we had to contend with the wind that made me think i was out in Odessa on the oil rigs which led to my greenhouse being pulled up and flung all over crashing pots up ending media everywhere and my poor leaves and phulbs being bashed...its been a great 2 months or so let me tell you....but FINALLY FINALLY I am seeing something good coming from the crazyness. New growths are coming up!!
Pic one- catasetum pileatum x expansum to much sun caused by my greenhouse flipping and then the 5 inch growth being broken off the cursing you could hear would make your ears turn red...now it has a baby growth coming off the side and yes it split from the mother phulb after hitting rocks...for the umphteenth time...
Pic 2.-monnierra millenium witchcraft back phulb broke off the biggest phulb that has the newest 12 inch growth coming off it. It now has a baby growth coming off of it.
Pic 3.- cycnoches golden showers HOF #2 swan orchid- the base started to become squishy and broke off I fear this was my fungus patient zero. It now has 3 growths coming in hallelujah!
Pic 4. My FDK after dark...got knocked out by the last big greenhouse flip and the 4.5 inch growth I broke when I was trying to repot...
it has its own growth praise the lord. I was going to cry if this one did not come back...
So now with 4 stakes per leg in my greenhouse I dont think it will be moving anywhere...I hope...and pray I may actually get some spikes this year! Especially after all the abuse they have taken...