Cattleyas. I had far too many of these and no space for anything else so I gave a bunch away. They are really cute as seedling and I didn't realize how large they get!

You live where it is really hot. I did find that when we had a very hot summer, my Cattleyas grew very quickly and I had to fertilize more (and flush the pots well every three weeks), especially with calcium, iron, and Epsom salts to keep them happy. I grow in those basket pots with the red lava rock so I can water to my heart's delight without fear of the heat, I do just that to provide more humidity and to help cool the roots. I hope this helps. It could be something else, altogether, too. Some Cattleyas are a bit more fussy than others and need more/less water or more/less light. Some really need to be mounted or in Vanda Baskets. It all depends on their parentage. If you want to try a species Cattleya, the two that are recommended as being easy are the gaskelliana and the mossiae. I have both and they do seem very adaptable. I hope this helps.