I have managed to rot the pbulb that currently has two spikes. I know I have to get rid of the rot, which means I will have to cut the newest growth off. will it grow a new one this year or what? thanks
Well a picture would be helpful. But if you cut the new growth off or just separate the new growth from the backbulb by ripping it off and put fungicide. Catasetums are hardy and it will sprout a new growth from the base or on the rings but until new growth appears keep it dry and cool under house light conditions.
How did you grow it that cause it to rot? Always keep water out of the crown.
Like greenthumb said, pics would be great. Its still early enough in the year that it will most likely put out a new growth. I don't know that it will put out more flowers, but it just might!
Thank you both for answering. Yes I managed to get water in the crown. No more misting around these guys. I will try to post a pic. later but that is exactly what I did. glad to know it should attempt another growth.
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My spike got burned to a crisp (to close to the heat source), so no worries I was also told it will grow back, I am happier that it did die because I would much rather have a strong new growth then pretty spikes early in the year.