Okay Steve, enough of this sexist talk!
Hey Jo Ann - Cycnoches male and female flowers are pretty similar, but the females are much larger and fewer in number; male inflorescences will have dozens of flowers that are about 1/3 the size of the females (as it should be).
Catasetinae - it is very easy to tell the sexes apart. Steve is right about the flowers: most of the females look like green motorcycle helmets (with or without ears or boas). The male flowers, on the other hand - every color and size, fringed, horned and twirlied. Very frou-frou!
Cycnoches warscswiczii is a real beauty; much more attractive than the strangely popular chlorochiton. And the scent! A delightful combination of banana, crayon, and nail polish remover. Sweet!
Cheers - Nancy
p.s. my Cyc. warscewiczii is also in bloom, when its usual time is late January, early February. We had a very wet and hot summer (okay, it's always hot), and our fall temps have been fairly warm - today it was 82F.