Thanks for all the wonderful comments everyone!

Glad you like them.
Originally Posted by s.kallima
Great show !
The Cycnodes is a monster (in a nice way)!!!
The one I love the most is Clowesetum, cmay I ask where you got it from?
A friend in FL gave me this division a little more than a year ago. This is the first time I've bloomed it and I fell in love the minute I saw the flowers. Very much like Grace Dunn but much, MUCH pinker. Now that's it's established under my growing conditions, I suspect the bloom will be even better next year.
Originally Posted by isurus79
Great growing Katrina! What is that monster plant growing behind and to the right of your Wine Delight in the first pic?
Thanks isurus! If you're talking about the really bushy one...that is a Morm tuxtlensis...that's in dire need of dividing. It didnt' bloom as well this year and I suspect it's because it's simply gotten too overgrown. Some of the Ctsm are the exact opposite of most other orchids in that when they get too big the flower count can go backwards. BTW - it's one that never goes completely dormant....kind of interesting, I thought.
Again...thanks for all the great comments!