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Within the section Cycnoches or Eucycnoches of the genus Cycnoches there are four similar species in question. George F. Carr has thoroughly researched this topic. He has written a series of articles with a heading : One hundred years of mass confusion.
Among these 4 species Cycnoches lehmanni from Ecuador is excluded by a long nail of the lip base attached rectangular to the base of the column.
Male flowers of Cycnoches chlorochilon from Venezuela are elongated. Look here
Cycnoches chlorochilon - Orchids Wiki
Also the flower on top of Woodstream with the holding hand is chlorochilon
Woodstream Orchids
This leads to my recognition that your plant is not Cycnoches chlorochilon.
Male flowers of Cycnoches ventricosum are reflexed. Gerlachs article depicts Batemans drawing
My understanding is that the plant above is neither Cycnoches ventricosum,
Sunset Valley Orchids is among the worlds leading Catasetinae breeders. Here you find a male Catasetum warscewiczii
Cycnoches Species
Carr has crossed Cycnoches chlorochilon with warscewiczii. This hybrid is named Cycnoches Mass Confusion. I took this eventuality into consideration. SVO has this hybrid depicted here
Cycnoches Hybrids
I really miss kavanaru here lately. He has such a broad knowledge. Here is his flickr set
Flickriver: kavanaru's photos tagged with cycnoches
And in case you want to contact George Carr
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