Thought I'd share photos of my blooming Fdk. After Dark. It is a plant that I received in a 2-inch pot from the late Richard Takafuji of Orchid Center 4-5 years ago. The plant is now in a 4-inch plastic pot with New Zealand Sphagnum Moss as the media. I had a difficult time blooming this plant so following the advice of another grower, I withheld watering for 3-4 weeks. In doing so, the nice lush green leaves on the front bulb turned brown and fell off. Two flower spikes then appeared and this is the result. The spike on the left has 20 flowers and the one on the right has 18 flowers.
Fredclarkeara After Dark 'Sunset Valley Orchids Black Pearl' by
hawaiiansunshine, on Flickr
Fredclarkeara After Dark 'Sunset Valley Orchids Black Pearl' by
hawaiiansunshine, on Flickr
Fredclarkeara After Dark 'Sunset Valley Orchids Black Pearl' by
hawaiiansunshine, on Flickr