Originally Posted by katrina
Interesting...I have never had this happen. And I have moved from bright to shadier and visa versa. Once I can see that they are male (or female) I've never seen them change.
Are you saying this would work on all Ctsm or just Cycnoches/Cycnodes?
When I lived in Hawaii (about 20 minutes by car to catwalker808's place), I would grow all my Catasetinae (and all my plants) under very bright conditions to maximize growth. On my more mature Catasetinae, I would often lightly put tinfoil around the buds to block the light and get male flowers. It always worked, except on my Cat. tenebrosum which always gave me female flowers! I couldn't get male flowers from that monstrous plant no matter what I did! Anyway, I used to do this to because of the principles previously discussed by Harry (catwalker808).