I have seen this plant in bud at a local farmer's market a few weeks ago, but I did not pay much attention.
Well, I saw this one again in bigger bud at an orchid store today and just grabbed it. It just looked so unique with those yummy looking fat buds dangling down.
A few people on the street stopped and asked me what I'm carrying.
There were a whole bunch of these, most of them were of the same size but I tried to pick rather smallish plant with most buds on, so this one came home with me.
It is supposed to be fragrant yellow flowers.
Questions, so do I give this plant the same care as catasetum??? with dry winter rest?
Also, how big do this plant get if anyone out there grows this??
I have seen some really big cycnoches before and that made me wonder if this is a small hybrid or something that will go really big soon.
Last, how do you pronounce the name???
Thank you in advcance!