I don't know if my experience is typical, but the differences are noticeable.
Earlier this year I twisted a backbulb off a rooting cat. I left it to root and planted the "mother" plant as the roots were 3-4 inches long.
It took a while but the backbulb eventually rooted - I'd say about 3 weeks - and I then planted it in a plastic pot.
The photos show the story.
The cat in the green pot is the backbulb - I would estimate that its almost 1.5-2 x the size of the mother.
The mother - in the clay pot - is smaller, but the interesting thing is that it grew a "pup". This baby looks as if it will be a similar size to the mother.
They have identical potting mix and the same liquid fertiliser regime. Both had dynamite long-lasting fertiliser granules sprinkled into the mix.
The only differences are as follows
- the size of the pot
- plastic vs clay
- one bulb was planted out about 3 weeks after the other.
- the backbulb makes 1 baby, but the growbulb makes 2 ?
Has anyone else had a similar experience or can account for this discrepancy in growth and size ?