Here is my Ctsm. tenebrosum, I took this photo today, the plant is in a 4" pot. I purchased the plant 2 years ago, this is the first time that it has produced a spike. Last year at this time it was severely attacked; at first I thought it was mites but later I decided it was thrips though I did have a problem with both. This Ctsm. was a magnet for whatever it was; I had other Ctsm. that were barely touched. This plant is Sunset Valley Orchids SVO 2197.
Not to hijack this thread, but does that mean your denticulatum dries out a bit quicker than your other Catasetinae? I used to grow mine in moss and maybe this was the problem.
no, the denticulatum tends to dry out slower compare to other catasetums that have a more vigorous rooting system. and also not to over pot them, they do better slightly under pot or pot that are just nice.
best regards
I got a catasetum from my local vendor, The Plant House. It is a Ctsm. Frilly Doris 'SVO'. I looked up pictures and I absolutely fell in love with the blooms! Just live them.
Catasetum Frilly Doris 'SVO', got it for $15
Also got a 45+ growth Masdevallia Angel Tears for $18 when I was there.
Last edited by The Orchid Boy; 04-09-2013 at 09:52 PM..
I tried triggering the shooting pollen last night. It is very impressive the way gently touching the trigger causes the pollen package to shoot out and stick to your finger.