Originally Posted by dendro photo
I am looking for some help from the folks that have been around a bit. I aquired a very old stanhopea rodney w jones today and I was told in the area of about 50 years old the repot tags go back 30 years that are stuck with it with evidence of 2 others broke off. Question being dose anyone know anything of this hybrid i can find nothing so i repoted it and am treating is as most other stanhopeas hoping for the best. Problem being it has been neglected for some years now and is down to one leaf and i dont want to loose it any advice would be great thanks.
I can't seem to find the hybrid and OW doesn't have it, then there is a good chance it doesn't exist. Instead of it being a hybrid called Rodney Jones, it might be that he collected it and gave it to someone who then labeled it the way you see it.
I would just treat it like a normal Stan. Keep it somewhat shady and a bit drier than normal (not super dry!! Think dry for a Phal) until it puts out new growth. Then hit it with lots of water and fertilizer. If it is as big as I'm thinking, I would also divide it up when it starts to send out new growth. Any pics of this guy?