Cycnodes just bloomed, immediately growing again... now what?
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Cycnodes just bloomed, immediately growing again... now what?
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Old 10-21-2007, 10:08 PM
dbp dbp is offline
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Cycnodes just bloomed, immediately growing again... now what?
Default Cycnodes just bloomed, immediately growing again... now what?

This guy (Cyc. pentadactylon x Morm. sinuata) just fell out of bloom 4 weeks ago, and about a week later I cut off the old spike and began watering it about half as frequently as I did while it was growing, and was going to stop all together once all the leaves fell off (just like I did with it last year). Weather here has certainly been very fall like (cooling temperatures, less light), yet this Cycnodes is beginning a new growth! What ever happened to going dormant, loosing it's leaves, roots, etc? It still has ALL it's foliage, yet that new growth is definitely growing. What should I do? Just continue to water? Or stop entirely until the new growth grows some roots? It also needs to be repotted before it grows again though... Should I repot it now, keeping the roots from the previous growth? ...any suggestions?

BTW, here's a picture of it...

And another one that's more of a "composition" with it, since you can't really see the flower (Cyc. pentadactylon x Morm. sinuata)


Last edited by dbp; 10-21-2007 at 10:14 PM..
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Old 10-22-2007, 02:25 AM
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isurus79 isurus79 is offline
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Thats a great looking plant! Excellent flowers too. As for your dilema, thats a tough call. Are you sure its a new growth and not a keiki? If its a keiki, I would just stop watering as normal. However, if its an actual growth..... I might be inclined to let it grow and stop water as soon as its done growing (ie. Januaryish). I looked up Morm sinuata and IOSPE says (IOSPE PHOTOS) that its a spring bloomer. Maybe your plant is just confused. Did you buy it from a southern hemisphere grower? Either way, I think I would let it grow and stop watering as soon as its done growing. Who knows, you might be able to get 2 separate blooms per year! Good luck.
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Old 10-22-2007, 10:17 AM
smweaver smweaver is offline
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I would recommend that if it wants to grow a new growth, do all you can to encourage it. Many of the younger Cycnoches and Mormodes (especially the hybrids) that I have don't seem to need the same strict rest period that the adults do (although they usually acquire the adult habit of losing their leaves and going dormant as they get older/larger). As long as they plant is actively growing, there shouldn't be much danger in continuing to water it and give it lots of sunlight. It's only when there's no new growth going on and when all of the leaves have fallen that you run into trouble by applying water to a dormant plant. I would also leave it in its pot and not do anything to injure the roots of the mature growth. That growth (and its root system) is going to be what fuels the new growth that's just starting. Normally the energy retained by the older growth, after it drops its leaves and the previous year's root system dries up, would be what fuels the new growth anyway. But being that the older growth is still nice and green, it should provide an even bigger boost of energy to the new growth. Just be very careful that when you water the plant you avoid getting anything in the newly-forming one. Very pretty flowers on your plant, and the plant itself looks nicely grown as well. Congratulations on doing a great job with it.
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Old 12-30-2007, 02:14 AM
nancy nancy is offline
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I'm going to disagree with the above advice. You don't state where you live and how you grow...but, here in the deep south, we had temps near 90F a week ago. A number of my catasetinae continue to show new growth during what should be the dormant season, but I really think watering in the winter is asking for trouble! Even little seedlings (not much bigger than the cotton end of a q-tip), I don't water from about Halloween on. Some continue to make buds, but they will go on to bloom using the stores of the pseudobulbs, I think.
I do not de-pot, cut off leaves or roots. Many of my plants are mounted; I give them very bright light in winter.
I used to follow the traditional wisdom, and lost about 1/3 per year to rot. So I err on the side of caution. Lost one plant this year, to a stinkin' caterpillar.
Cheers - Nancy
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Old 12-30-2007, 12:43 PM
tuvoc tuvoc is offline
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Cycnodes just bloomed, immediately growing again... now what? Male

Great looking plant, David! My Cyc. chlorochilon seems to be confused this year too. By now it has usually bloomed, and dropped its leaves. This year, it is just now starting to spike. And it's about three inches taller than it has ever been. Who knows? Maybe sun spots or something.

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growing, grows, growth, leaves, roots, immediately, bloomed, cycnodes

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