Hi Goods14.
I am a Stanhopea Aficionado, and I have more than a few Stanhopea plants under cultivation.
I humbly hope that I can provide you a bit of advice ...
Stanhopea plants will thrive in conditions as follows :
- compost : Sphagnum, not decomposed(!), in a basket or plastic pot(*);
- daytime temperature about 25°C or 77°F, and
- nighttime temperature about 18°C or 65°F;
- relative humidity 60% to 90%, and
- a fresh breeze(!), for a few hours every day;
- dappled light ("Cattleya light");
- daily watering(**) >> and no danger of any roots to rot, because Sphagnum is rather sterile;
- 1000 ppm per week of a good-quality fertilizer or, better, 150 ppm per day;
fertilizer dissolved in water sprayed onto the compost until fertilizerwater drops out below.
Note : most people under-fertilize their Stanhopea plants ...
You may check the provisions you have been able to provide for your Stanhopea plants against
the listing compiled above ...

(*) a newly arrived plant grows it's new roots better when in a plastic pot; after a year move into a basket.
(**) no dubious water overloaded with miscellaneous molecular substances, rainwater is best.