stanhopea embrei problem pics
I hope someone can help...these spots on the leaves started out as black spots that started turning yellow around the spots and then brown and dry. During this time the plant did produce two big buds that blasted, but I do think I let it get too dry a couple of times. Now I water it daily and it has a new flower spike coming down and these horrible leaves. Are Stans. possibly deciduous? I have it outside in bright light but no direct sun, the same type of area as I grow my phals. I fertilize "weekly, weakly" and usually add some epsom salts and dishsoap to the fertilizer water. Even though I grow ouside I've not yet had a problem with any pests. It is extremely humid here and has been very very hot for the last two months and everybody else seems to love it! I mostly grow Vandas, Phals, Dendrobiums and Cattleyas and a few Oncidium types. I have three Stans and the other two are doing great, lots of new growth and nice leaves. No flowers yet but they are younger.