I'm new here so i will introduce my self
i'm Florian living in Guadeloupe island (French west indies
Orchids and nepenthes addict
I'm looking for sources of species and hybrid in catasetum ,
coryanthes and stanhopea
They should be able to send to France (Guadeloupe is under french rules)
Thanks Ingse for your answer
Do you order already from Jungpflanzen ?
How about the size of the plants ?
Anyone have sources of catasatinae from south america ?
I have ordered young Coryanthes from Schwerter and they where in 5 cm. pots. A few years from bloomingsize, but the quality was very good.
And i just remembered that PeruFlora has some greate Catasetinas. It is possible to order from them and have your order shipped, when they visit shows in Europe.
I only have an old orderform, but you could email them and ask for an updated list contact@peruflora.net . They do not have an onlineshop.