Chryss - Very nice, much nicer than both of mine which barely open at all. On one the flowers are tiny and on the other the flowers looks squashed. Can't believe that it is one of the parents of After Dark
That was hard for me to believe also, Glen ! What I DIDN'T believe was that Ten Dragons was nowhere near any of the parentage of After Dark !!!! I bought that one as my "poor man's" After Dark when I didn't want to do the $50 gamble and couldn't afford the real After Dark ! It's almost as black as A.D. !!!
Chryss - I know what you mean about Ten Dragons. I'm not sure what clone of Donna Wise Fred used but it sure as hell broke the dominence of the Painted Desert. I have posted my Donna Wise on here before, it is almost as black as After Dark, another one I should get to Judging.