Originally Posted by ewcia1028
Wow Merlyn you have a nice collection of this family,could you tell me how do you grow it and what it needs.Thanks 
I pot them in sphagnum moss with an inch of leca in the bottom. When they are growing or blooming I water regularly and fertilize with full strength (1 tsp/gal) and I also have timed release in the pot. They have to go from a tiny bud to mature pbulb and bloom all in one season ! I also have each one in a saucer so that when I water or fert I leave some in the saucer. I have them under florescent lights now but in the spring I put them outside, they need as much light as possible. As they drop their leaves (sometimes they don't) I reduce the water and fert. When all leaves are gone, I stop the water absolutely. Some will say water occasionally or only when you see the pbulbs shriveling but I've never seen this situation. When you see a new growth bud, you have to wait until it starts to open its leaves before watering !!! Start a regular watering routine ONLY after its leaves are open. If you potted up at the first sign of a new growth be sure to not pot the base of the pbulbs into the media, let them sit on top. If there were no roots to anchor it, stake it or rhizome clip it as it MUST be stable in the pot. It might sound difficult but it's just a routine when you get the hang of it !!! They are called the 9 month orchids because you only have to care for them for 9 months and just put them aside and ignore them for the other 3 !!!!
Hope that helps ! And, YES, it's my favorite alliance and I now have 58 in my care !!!