Hi Poluekt,
First of all congratulation on your new addition, its a fine ctsm species you got there. what i am about to share is my personal experience and also please take not i am living in a tropical climate here.
interested to post this because i got my tenebrosum the similar way as yours but i am not as lucky, my bulb was severely shriveled.
i treat all bare bulbs under dry condition, no media just occasional
misting to avoid severe shriveling of the bulbs.i leave them in bright place but away from direct sunlight. leaving them dry most of the time lessen bulb rot and with this method, of so many catasetum bulbs i had raised, success rate is about 90%.
when i plant them, i make sure no direct contact of sphag moss with the base of the bulbs (it has been associated with bulb rot later on - read from the net...forgot the source)
i attach some pics here, as encouragement. it took me four months of waiting from the pic of the first shriveled bulb to the first new growth. now it had been a year plus and it is currently with 2 new bulbs.

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