No g/h, I'm just busy figuring which OTHER chids to adopt out !!! Our NCOS show is in 2 weeks and you can bet the member sales table will have a lot of my chids looking for new homes !!! But DON'T bet on finding any of my Ctsms there !!!
Actually, Glen, the ONLY Mormodes I want is sinuata, and I don't fancy ANY Gongoras. Let's see, I know there are a few Cyc species I don't care for . . . chlorochilon, haagii, loddigesii. Ctsm species . . cassideum, cirrhaeoides, hookeri, integerrimum, jarae, kraenzlinianum, lemosii, longifolium, luridum, macrocarpum, macroglossum, maculatum, ochraceum, pendulum, planiceps, punctatum, purum, rooseveltianum, tucuruiense, uncatum, and viridiflavum.
I want all the other Clowesias, I have russelliana. I have 3 IMMEDIATE-IF-NOT-SOONERs on my want list, Ctsm. Maria Helena, Ctsm. Henry Turner, and Ctsm. semicirculatum !!! I spent hours the other day googling for Maria Helena and found only one pix and it was NOT the one I want, in fact it was IMO horrible ! Haven't tried looking for the others yet.
Answer your question ? BTW, What did you ask ?