Originally Posted by msaar
I've never seen Penelope before, but there is one AOS award on record, 'Jinx' AM/AOS, that had 14 flowers on 2 inflorescences.
That is the same hybrid as the one I have and should never been given an AM at 80 pts. It might be awardable under its corect parentage. As it is the next person who comes in to seek an award for the real (ecornuta X oculat) is going to be compared with this imposter as to size and flower count. The judges seem more imterested in flower count and Size than any thing else. They don't check on the dominant effect ecornuta and the other primative stanhopeas have on there hybrids by checking other of there hybrids. There are quite afew other stanhopeas the have be awarded under the wrong identity. Here afew:
bucephalus 'Ruth Marie Christian' = embreei
graveolens 'Linda' = inodora = now ruckeri
graveolens 'Planing Fields' = warscewicziana
x lewisae 'Apperson' = insignis
nigripes 'Linda' = wardii
wardii 'Stoney Point' = oculata
With over 30 judging centers that meet one day each month,stanhopeas dont have much of a chance. Very few of these centers have judges that are knowiledgeable about stanhopeas. I know the the one here in Michigan where I was a themporary awards photographer for three years (It was such a cuveted job no one would take it so I got stuck with it) they did not see one stahopea come in for judgeing during that time.