Stanhopea tigrina 'Poots'
This opened yesterday but I diden't get a chance to photograph it then. As Kavanaru noted about his Fdk. After Dark. I also have seen the same difference in color when the temps. are warmer. The colors are better and the flowers last several days longer when it is cool. I can get several more days out of a stanhopea at 55* than at 95* like it has been here for the past month . The first 3 photos were taken today the last one on May 25, 2008 when it was cool outside. I put my stanhopeas outside about the begining of May hanging in a Norway Spruce tree. Thats where the spruce cone comes from that I use to get the buds away from the side of the basket.
As far as tigrina verses nigroviolace go's this would be nigroviolace because the back of the hypochil is bounded out. But Rudolf Jenny maintains the it's just the natural variatation of color and size of one species.
Last edited by Gwallogwyn; 08-03-2011 at 07:57 AM..