Originally Posted by jdw
I'm new to this board, so pardon errors. I frequently use the help file to find out how to do things here. Attached should be a pic of the leaf with bumps.
I realize the web security is important and a double blind interface like this board is important, but I can send the attachment directly if you provide email.
Looking at your photo reminds me of a similiar problem that I had a number of years ago. My catasetums had already leafed out and we had a prolonged period of cool and damp weather move in.
I remember bumps similar to those in your photo appearing. I thought nothing of it at the time much to my chagrin. Within a few more days those bumps had turned into oozing blisters and the leaves died.
I sent a sample to a local lab to have it analyzed and it came back as the fungus Cercospora epipadidis.
I can't be sure that is your problem but I would recommend that you fungicide your growing area just to be sure.