initially purchased this plant as catasetum trulla but seems like another mistaken identity, its a fimbriatum. but to my liking since i dun have a fimbriatum yet.
I cant open thumbnails but these are wonderful blooms. I see yours is inside. I kept mine outside and the bugs caused the seeds to all eject..I had one left and had to play with it
you have lots of these I assume? tell me if a catesetum has 9 old canes you can guess that plants 9 years old? A year for each cane Im only guessing.
I love the blooms on them, I just don't know If I am prepared to deal with sticks in a pot for 11 months of the year.
I cant open thumbnails but these are wonderful blooms. I see yours is inside. I kept mine outside and the bugs caused the seeds to all eject..I had one left and had to play with it
you have lots of these I assume? tell me if a catesetum has 9 old canes you can guess that plants 9 years old? A year for each cane Im only guessing.
I love the blooms on them, I just don't know If I am prepared to deal with sticks in a pot for 11 months of the year.
actually they are grown 24/7 outside, i just shifted them under the porch for the photo session. basically all my collection are catasetums, total about near to 30 hybrids and species.
here in malaysia its hot and humid throughout the year so sometimes i can get two bulbs per year. its a long cycle for a bulb and in addition the long wait for a spike that lasted about 1 week only BUT still they are my favorite of all.