I have tried Paphinia a few times and have not been that successful initially. The key issue I found was that I kept the plants too dry (mounted or in a bark mix) and you have to be very careful in the winter that leaves dont get wet. Paphinia seem to do well in baskets of sphaghnum or CHC. If they do well, they develop a very large and health root system. A change of substrate type can be very detrimental (i.e. roots dying and weakening plants). I can't grown in spaghnum, but I have found that changing from substrate to a CHC/Perlite mix works without killing the root system (similar properties to spaghnum without the drawbacks).
I also grow the plants in epiweb baskets rather than wooden baskets as this keeps the substrate evenly moist for longer, which seems to be beneficial to the plant. Wooden baskets can dry out too quickly during summer. Stresses the plants. I found that generally plants grow under similar conditionsto Gonora, but Paphinia are more sensitive.
Light wise, in summer I grow fairly shady (Phal light) whereas I move the plants higher up in the greenhouse in winter, which minimizes issues with rot.