Hi again! I am hoping that someone can help me by posting some pictures of the early developement of stanhopea spikes. I have a lot of new pseudobulbs on my stanhopea, wich are almost mature, and some of them started new growths. And I'm not sure, but I think that those are spikes (some of them at least) so I'm hoping that some of you could help me with some pictures, because the internet is lacking those kind of photos.
Thank you Lars! Mine are obviously smaller, but are more rounder than a pseudobulb and are growing sideways. Sorry for asking so many questions, but it's my first stan and I hope I'm doing the right thing with it!
Sounds as if you may be lucky: round and sideways/downwards is a good sign and buds should be forming around now. The buds will take a month or so until they flower.
Thanks Lars! I hope so! I've attached a photo of one of the new growhts (the easiest one to photograph at this hour ) so you can make an opinion. When I said they are small, I meant it