Hi guys. I am having some ctstm issues.
This summer I was given two noid Ctstm plants. They each had a few backbulbs and the green growth in one is now 1" the other is now 1/2"
I have been watering them like catts. Just waiting for them to go dormant. Last month at the is meeting, I inquired about why they weren't dormant. I was told to stop watering asap.
I haven't watered in two weeks. The smaller one is starting to go dormant, the leaves are yellowing and falling off. But the bulb if firm still
Hub the older one isn't. The leaves are still green but te bulb is kind of mushy.
Now here is the problem. I just found some growth at the base of the small one. I don't know what I should do, do I water it again or do I fight my instincts and keep it dry.
These are my first Ctstm but from my experiences with other orchids, it looks for like a spike it's got. But I can't be sure.
I'll try to post a picture later today.
Please help!
You can call me Bob