Originally Posted by kavanaru
cool! you will have a great display (you already have a very nice plant!!) and a great fragrance...  you will love t!
Thank you, Ramon. This plant was originally shipped while in spike, and it bloomed about a week after arriving. The blooms were amazing and they had a Wrigley's Doublemint gum fragrance. Then it made a second spike and had another successful batch of blooms.
This year's spiking cane is larger and much fatter than last years. I hope the spike doesn't get destroyed by insects. A June Beetle devoured some dendrobium buds last week. I caught him and put him to death, but now there's something else mowing down my dendrobium spikes during the night. It's probably a big American Cockroach... otherwise known to Floridian's as Palmetto Bugs. They're night feeders and their trademark damage is missing spike tips and/or holes drilled in buds. I've put out an S.O.S. call to my frog and lizard friends. They are my best arsenals of defense.