I tried posting I pests and diseases but unfortunately this fungus or mold is still progressing.
My clowesia still had a couple leaves on the newest growth and was getting watered still. I am not sure if I kept watering too long or what. This white stuff that looks like a mold keeps appearing on the pbulbs. I have had to remove all but two because it starts to rot them and then spread. I am at a loss here. Any advice on keeping this plant from dying completely would be very appreciated.
Currently one of the two pbulbs had some of the rot and I removed it, sprayed with listerine and then covered the wound with cinnamon. I also unpotted it, sprayed the roots with listerine and left it bare root. I also brought it indoors to dry hard since it is rainy and muggy outside here.
I have physan 20 and was afraid to use it since the pbulb is wounded. Can anyone advise me on if using it would be harmful. I soaked a sick Catt in it overnight let it dry hard an then soaked again and it seems to have worked. I had another piece of that Catt though so I am at the end of the line experimenting with the clowesia.