Thank you all! I am also very happy with this plant. I was expecting something more tending to red... I am curious now to see what the other plant will look like
Originally Posted by tuvoc
Holy Fledermaus! Fantastic!
Yeap! Indeed, like a smiling "Fledermaus"... hhmm... seems to be a nice clonal name for this one: "Fledermaus Sonriente"

It'll keet it!
Originally Posted by camille1585
I didn't think an orchid could be so dark! I love your catasetum collection, you have so many nice ones.
Camille, I think Catasetinae can give the nearest to black flowers within the orchids family (maybe Maxillaria schunkeana being a strong competitor here) You can check for Fredclarkeara After Dark and you will see something really "black"!