Hi Ramon,
Thanks for your help.
That's great to find a neighbour here (and bonus : a catasetum fan

Yes they come from vitorino and some come from preuflora. Vitorino was in France just before the Vaucelle show last week.
I've make a very large order to vitorino (60 plants). (I took the opportunity with his fantastic list).
I take a lot of catasetums (barbatum, cernuum, cirrhaheoides+escuro, cristatum, denticulatum, galeritum, gladiatorium, longifolium and macrocarpum) and some mormodes (elegans, rosea, speciosa, warszewiczii) clowesia(amazonica) and cycnoches (cooperi, lehmanii, pentadactilum)
The longifolium is a large division and the leaves are very impressive - 70/80 cm)
I also take a lot of rupicolous laelias, pseudolaelias and catts.
I was just a little bit disappointed by some plants which were very young or small divisions (1 or 2 PBs). And the low T° doesn't help. The leaves became yellow and fall, roots were dry and the new grows rot( I remove them and use some Physan). I pot them in sphagnum with a little bit of cork.
I have a good humidity level (70/80%) all year round in the greenhouse (hydrofogger).
By the way I think (and hope so) they will start again
The peruflora plants were more healthy.
PS : I also work in clinical research