Originally Posted by Aceetobe
So - the plant I got from Pine Ridge labeled as Mormodes punctata opened up exactly like this one.
The one I got from Pine Ridge labeled Mormodes flactifoxaigneo will open in a couple weeks. Must have been a label mixup on yours, as I'm sure Pine Ridge got these both from Jumbo.
Actually, the label mixup is apparently coming from Jumbo Orchids... Mormodes flactifoxaigneo does not exist at all...
Mormodes igneum and Mormodes flactiflexa are considered to be the same species. I think that probably someone (I said Jumbo, because my plant, as well as those from Pineridge, comes from Jumbo Orchids) was not very sure, or had both names and end up with this... I contacted Pineridge asking for more information about this "species/hybrid" (Mormodes flactifoxaigneo) and their reply was that they bought it from Max and Andy Chen (Jumbo) and treat it like any other Catasetinae... not really answering my question, but letting me know they did not know either what it was...
I have sent pictures to Dr. Salazar (the world authority in Mormodes) and he is who identified this as Mormodes punctata, and provided further information that this species is very close to the Mormodes igneum complex, and that he keeps it as a separate species only based on the form of the lip.
As per labelling plants from Jumbo Orchids... They have great plants, but also a big chaos with the IDs of many of their plants... Many plants still labelled as Catasetum are actually Clowesias or Clowesetum, and some of their Cycnoches are totally misidentified. If you ever order Cycnoches chlorochilon from them, be sure you will actually receive Cycnoches warscewiczii...