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Old 11-20-2009, 05:33 PM
kavanaru kavanaru is offline
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ok, Rosie, my apologies in this case as obviously I did not know what all has been going around. I was just very surprised to see the post deleted, which included very good information... and yes, as per the original post, as I said, he went to far and deserved to get an infraction (no doubts about it), but the other person, at least at that time when I check had not been banned.... and that was very weird, I think, as obviously he had been also very rude (you can see in Jan's post quoting him)...

but ok, I admit that if he really went so far as you said here and via PM, I totally agree that this behaviour cannot be accepted.
Old 11-20-2009, 05:39 PM
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Originally Posted by kavanaru View Post
Funny, there some entries here from Jan, which are suddenly "Deleted"

I mean, I accept the guy did something wrong in the other thread, and should get an infraction, and I also spoke about it with him (but hey the other guy was also offensive and no infraction was given - his post was deletede only, but he had been rude already anyway)

but deleting his post!? my apologies to teh Mods, but that's RIDICULOUS!!! I have been insulted here in the past, and the post from the guy (who received an infraction, but was not banned) are still there! Jan has apported excellent entries with very important information to the thread, maybe more valuable information than many other members (like the one who insulted me in the past!), and I think it is a pitty to loose that all information, only because of....

Ramon, think about long do you know me? Do you think I would actually ban somebody and remove their posts if there weren't a really good reason for it?

Jan has indeed posted pertinent information and I hate for this to be have a bit of incorrect information.

When the "incident" occured in the other thread, an infraction WARNING was sent to both participants. It was not a true infraction for either person. The second person involved contacted us to apologize for causing a disruption on the board while Jan got more and more antagonistic and rude. THAT is what got him banned. To make things worse, rather than contacting one of us to discuss the situation he re-registered under a different name. Under that name, he bragged in a public thread that he got around the ban ...yeah, really funny stuff

I don't know...or care...what any of the actual content is or was. All I care about is the quality of the content and atmosphere here at OB. I've said it before and I'll say it again...there is absolutely NO reason to speak like that to anybody.

When everybody is ready to play nice...we're here to help make things right
Old 11-20-2009, 11:40 PM
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It is great that we have some questions regarding the action taken on the OB. Marty has done a very good job in recruiting members that he feels will use level heads and engage in consultation with each other as required while moderating this very active forum.

All members should feel very confident that when threads are pruned, it is and will continue to be an action only required to keep the OB a open, respectful and informative resource.

Rude, disrespectful and obscene information directed at any individual or group will not be tolerated.

Thank you for expressing your concern regarding the recent actions.
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Old 11-21-2009, 12:08 AM
gixrj18 gixrj18 is offline
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Wow....I musta missed a doozie!
Old 11-21-2009, 05:29 AM
kavanaru kavanaru is offline
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Originally Posted by cb977 View Post
Ramon, think about long do you know me? Do you think I would actually ban somebody and remove their posts if there weren't a really good reason for it?

Jan has indeed posted pertinent information and I hate for this to be have a bit of incorrect information.

When the "incident" occured in the other thread, an infraction WARNING was sent to both participants. It was not a true infraction for either person. The second person involved contacted us to apologize for causing a disruption on the board while Jan got more and more antagonistic and rude. THAT is what got him banned. To make things worse, rather than contacting one of us to discuss the situation he re-registered under a different name. Under that name, he bragged in a public thread that he got around the ban ...yeah, really funny stuff

I don't know...or care...what any of the actual content is or was. All I care about is the quality of the content and atmosphere here at OB. I've said it before and I'll say it again...there is absolutely NO reason to speak like that to anybody.

When everybody is ready to play nice...we're here to help make things right

Sue, don't get me wrong. In no moment I said Sue or Rosia did thsi or that. I also mentinoed that I totally agree that some action must receive an infraction..

I questionned that some entries with important information disappeared! that's it...

yes, I mentioned post wher people were insulted and are still there, that was an example, and being honest I stil question why they are still there.. but... whatever...
Old 11-21-2009, 10:22 AM
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Originally Posted by kavanaru View Post

yes, I mentioned post wher people were insulted and are still there, that was an example, and being honest I stil question why they are still there.. but... whatever...
There's a very fine line between keeping the environment here the way we want it to be and over-moderating which is something we really try to avoid. We can't catch every bit of sarcasm and we don't intend to ban every person who posts something "iffy"...but we do need to make sure we stay in control here and what Jan did with re-registering...THREE times, I might add!, was just plain wrong and had to be dealt with swiftly and with a strong hand. When somebody is banned here, it is for good reason...and when that banned person acts in such an underhanded way, final steps must be taken or it's all for naught

The mods are here for the benefit of the whole community and our volunteered time and effort should not be undermined by any disruptive members. It's hard enough trying to keep the spam off the boards, we shouldn't have to play kindergarten teacher too.

Just a little all that's asked for here
Old 11-21-2009, 11:56 AM
Ivan Pahlov Ivan Pahlov is offline

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Nietzsche once said something that could be translated less or more in to this:

"if you look to long into an abyss, the abyss will also look back"

Yes, I am guilty of being rude, more than that, sarcastic, specially wen I find not polite people trying to play """the throw the stone and hide the hand game""" ... In my case I look in to my own abyss, the abyss look at me and i smile back. It is simple Susanne, people DO HAVE EGO and recognize it, and try to deal with it for better social and personal adjustment knowing that they have flaws as any human being. But what happen wen someone like me crash with someone like you that bears a footnote with this thought

"Leave your ego at the door"

it is simple, normally people that express how moralistic they are, what they really express is what he or she lacks, in other words.... that he or she fells that they are somehow beyond "situations"...... I am talking about people like yourself that requires from others a kind of behaviour they lack in home (((((((tell me what you presume, and I will tell you what you're missing)))))

Since you are puttingme as the big bad wolf with my friends, I have to reply your letter

MongoJohn said something very unpleasant to me, he mock my essay and like a professor told me what was the "proper" behaviour I had to follow in all my future essays ((mediocrity))... If mongoJohn dislike something he find in this forum (in this case advanced high school "calculus"), the only thing he needs to do is skip the content, that is respect free speech and also respect the LOGO of this forum; "...Most Complete Forum in the web...." (((big grandiloquent words requires proper behaviour on everyone else contributions)... I mock back on him as he deserves since I am not accustom to swallow idiotic thoughts from challenged people. In my case I am guilty of all charges, I was pay back rude and sarcastic behaviour from challenged people that don't stand that some forum contributions don't fulfill his ideal forum expectations.

But what happen in your case Susanne?????, wen l was thinking that all was just going to end in a please mongojohn "leave your ego and insults outside the door if you don't want to be treated the same way", and please Jan "don't reply with more ego, sarcastic words and offences"... something that would naturally ended with my "mea culpa, mea maxima culpa" (all my fault Bla, Bla, Bla, thing to you, Jhon, and the Forum)..." you Susanne on the contrary don't say nothing to John to retract his conduct, your friend mongojohn wasn't properly "scolded" for being improperly rude with the efforts of a fellow forum member trying to add quality to the forum, but on the contrary, you clearly said to me that Mongojohn was right since he was "only had good intentions trying to say to me the best way possible that mediocrity was better than try to push forum standards".... In other words Susanne, you were trying to underestimate mongojohn insults, overestimate my reaction, and avoid your friend challenge mongoJohnny to properly say the magic words (I am sorry for being very rude Jan, I also respect that some people don't like mediocrity).

So well

Don't lecture my Susanne, your MOD title is way above your skills and equanimity.. that's why I treated you the way I treated, since at least I deserved the same treat mongojohn received, he wasn't banned, he didn't make public apologize (your late words in this matter are simply a excuse), and I was treated as piece of shit from your part... THIS ARE FACTS.

Thanks to your last words I fully realized that this forum is way bellow my standards and don't worry I don't going to re-inscribe again and again, you convinced me the bad way that the "most complete forum" bullshit is just meaningless words, and you extra convinced me that you was protecting your friendship with mongojohn over your role as a mod, and your were asking for mediocrity from someone that day after day try to be a better orchidologist, but that is something you clearly don't understand and is outside non-written forum rules...

You are just a sorry-lady angry becuse I heart your Ego.... all your "selfcontrol" in your post just hide your true monstrous EGO andb rudness... you don't need to use bad vocabulary to insult others

See you in Tijuana señorita "I am beyond Ego"
Jan Pahl
Old 11-21-2009, 12:17 PM
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Oh silly silly you realize how much time you just wasted with yet another antagonistic diatrabe?...and you know what? I'm not going to remove it

You cannot insult me...I would have to actually care about your impression of me for that to work...and I don't

I do want to point out that, once again, you are wrong. My friend, JohnBlagg, NOT mongoJohn (once again showing your juvenile behavior) DID in fact get the same original infraction warning as you did...except he manned up and apologized for creating problems on OB. You, on the other hand, decided to try to teach me who's smarter...and sorry pal, but you lose

Ego is a part of our lives as humans but when that ego overpowers your sense of right then it's wrong.
I show no favoritism towards anybody here on OB or in real life...wrong is wrong, that's it!

We are not here to impress anybody...we're here to enjoy our orchids, learn about growing orchids...and enjoying our time with friends. I have lots of about you?

Definition of FRIEND:

1 a : one attached to another by affection or esteem b : acquaintance

2 a : one that is not hostile b : one that is of the same nation, party, or group

3 : one that favors or promotes something (as a charity)

4 : a favored companion

5 capitalized : a member of a Christian sect that stresses Inner Light, rejects sacraments and an ordained ministry, and opposes war —called also Quaker

— friend·less \ˈfren(d)-ləs\ adjective

— friend·less·ness noun

— be friends with : to have a friendship or friendly relationship with

I'm closing the thread now and will be banning you for the FOURTH time in a week! Don't you have something more important to do?

Last edited by cb977; 11-21-2009 at 12:25 PM..
Old 11-21-2009, 12:18 PM
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My apologies to Mauro for this nonsense having taken place in one of his threads
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