pfuiiss... difficult to put a list of only 5 plants

but lets try to put a list, based on the following characters (show stopper; easy to grow; easy to find) – sorry, no Mormodes here as I am not very well experienced with this genus:
Catasetum species:
1. Catasetum pileatum (var. album and var. imperiale, but actually any variety is excellent)
2. Catasetum expansum
3. Catasetum tenebrosum
4. Catasetum vinaceum
5. Catasetum planiceps (green flowers, but very elegant and great fragrance)
Catasetum Hybrids:
1. Catasetum xtapiriceps (I like better those tending to Ctsm. macrocarpum but not being too close to this species – macrocarpum x pileatum)
2. Catasetum Orchidglade (
3. Catasetum Susan Fuchs
4. Catasetum Sumanii (saccatum x pileatum)
5. Catasetum Donna Wise (Orchidglade x tenebrosum – if you have the chance, just get it!)
Cycnoches species:
1. Cycnoches chlorochilon
2. Cycnoches pentadactylon
3. Cycnoches cooperi
4. Cycnoches barthiorum
5. Cycnoches herrenhusanum
Cycnoches hybrids:
1. Cycnoches Martha Clarke (herrenhusanum x barthiorum)
2. Cycnoches William Clarke (cooperi x herrenhusanum)
3. Cycnoches haagei x pentadactylon
4. Cycnoches Jean E. Monnier (barthiorum x cooperi)
5. Cycnoches Golden Showers (chlorochilon x herrenhusanum)
Clowesia species and hybrids:
1. Clowesia rosea
2. Clowesia warcsewiczii
3. Clowesia russeliana
4. Clowesia Rebecca Northen (rosea x Grace Dunn)
5. Clowesia Grace Dunn (rosea x warcsewiczii)
Intergeric Hybrids:
1. Cycnodes Wine Delight
2. Cycnodes Jumbo Puff or Taiwan Gold (almost impossible to differentiate them!)
3. Clowesetum Wyche’s Bumble Bees
4. Clowesetum Dragon Whiskers
5. Clowesetum Raymond Lerner
6. Any Catanoches you could find
7. Fredclarkeara After Dark if you can find it available in your country…
Ok, this is more than 5 top plants, but gives an idea or what should be considered the top of the line (IMO). So, now summarizing
if I need to take only 5 of them:
1. Catasetum pileatum var. album
2. Catasetum pileatum var. aureum
3. Catasetum pileatum var. imperiale
4. Catasetum pileatum ‘Oro Verde’
5. Catasetum pileatum (any other color I could find
Just kidding (well, not really)
This would be my list based on the plants above:
1. Catasetum pileatum
2. Cycnoches Chlorochilon
3. Cycnodes Wine Delight (even though I have never been able to bloom my plant!!)
4. Cycnoches Martha Clarke
5. Clowesia Rebecca Northen
Please note taht you being in Australia have "easy" access (at least easier than me in Europe) to one of the most amazing nurseries for Catasetinae: Jumbo Orchids with great hybrids and great selected species too!