G. scaphyphorus finished flowering, on two long inflorescences, one month ago (at the beginning of September). The 3 large pseudobulbs are now leafless, with no sign of new growth. Does this plant want a rest now? If so, for how long? All through the coming winter?
I don't think this one gets a rest. I checked the rain charts on OrchidWiz and it confirmed my suspicions as this species seems to get fairly consistent rain all year. Any pics? If there is not enough moisture, Gongoras will sometimes drop their leaves. Also, if the media has soured, they will drop their leaves. One of my plants just had this happen a few months ago. I repotted it and there are now 2 nice new growths.
Steve, what do you grow your gongoras in ie: mix??? Mine was purchased in spag. moss and bloomed a few months ago and suddenly seems in trouble. Browning leaves falling off etc. So think it's time to repot. It seems to be staying very wet and the spag it's in appears very tightly packed. I saw in one of your prev. posts you grew one type of gongora in spag. Thanks in advance.
Last edited by Brenda Aarts; 09-29-2009 at 09:27 AM..
Steve, what do you grow your gongoras in ie: mix??? Mine was purchased in spag. moss and bloomed a few months ago and suddenly seems in trouble. Browning leaves falling off etc. So think it's time to repot. It seems to be staying very wet and the spag it's in appears very tightly packed. I saw in one of your prev. posts you grew one type of gongora in spag. Thanks in advance.
My largest Gongoras are in 8" net pots (big holes) with pure New Zealand spag. The type of spag is SUPER important! Never get the short brown junk as you will have to replace it like every few months. The longfiber New Zealand stuff is a nice straw color and last forever (for spag). I water mine everyday and they love it. My other Gongora (the one I recently repotted) is in a 4" clay pot with spag and styrofoam peanuts in the bottom.