Movie of natural polinators of Catasetum macrocarpum
I want to share this short movie for those who does not have the experience of having and seen the natural catasetum polinators around your house. The xilocopa sp bees are attracted by the strong spicy fragance of the macrocarpum flowers early in the morning during the sunrise and they keep going around untill 10 to 11 am when the fragance of the flowers decreases. These bees are also the natural polinators of some others catasetums, cycnoches chlorochilon, mormodes buccinator and cattleya lueddemanniana.
Great movie, Bruno! Thanks a lot!
It was a fun to see those creatures! I was a bit surprised about their size …. I thought they are smaller, but here in comparison with size of the flowers I understood better their size. Impressive beasts!
Great movie, Bruno! Thanks a lot!
It was a fun to see those creatures! I was a bit surprised about their size …. I thought they are smaller, but here in comparison with size of the flowers I understood better their size. Impressive beasts!
Gena those beasts (jejeje) are not so big, there are other ones which are bigger but they do not visit catasetinae flowers.