It is not that big for a stanhopea and i recevied it from a friend in iowa. About the eyes I noticed that some some species that have them some times they come out really light or just like a light yellow spot that you have to turn it in the right way and you could see a light eye.
Even if it has a light eye, its atypical for a Stan florida; look at these two clones of florida: florida1 and florida3. In the Nina Rach website you can find a florida like yours: Stanhopea florida Rchb. f. 1879 (NB: the first two pics show STAN NIGRIPES, a sister species, not Stan florida; look at the third pic, down in the page)
Thanks for the info that was great i know that on select species there starting to say there veritys or differant type of the same species. JUst like darwin said in his book years ago. Thanks for the site.