Hello, I am very proud of my little Stanhopea Oculata - it is blooming now!!! And it smells like menthol TicTac candy
I didn't expect it because I had serious problems with these beasts called slugs (probably from the moss) but I am the winner
Mentol? Are you sure? Stan oculata have a characteristic vanilla/chocolate smell!
Congrats, you probably have not an oculata, but a much more rare Stan dodsoniana! Folow this link: dodsoniana
Nice flower looks the same as my Oculata , I have often thought that the flower looks like a large moth in the mating position , I wonder what the pollinator is, anyone know ?
Doesn't matter which species, all Stans are pollinated by Euglossinae male bees (genera Euglossa, Eulaema and Eufriesea). Each species of Stanhopea has a very peculiar smell, which attracts only one or a few species of Euglossinae and therefore the natural hybrids are very unusual