Originally Posted by isurus79
Thanks all!
My culture is pretty simple actually. I give this guy high Catt light, its potted in pure spag (Long fiber New Zealand stuff though! Not all spag is created equal) in an 8" plastic net pot and it gets watered everyday during the growing season. I also fertilize these guys with a 20-20-20 orchid fertilizer 2x per month and use the fish stuff (5-5-5 I think) once per month. This year Im also trying to add some extra fertilizer for my heavy feeders (all Stanhopinae, Catasetinae and Dendos that require harsh dormant winters) by adding some nurticote type pellets to the top of the media. We shall see if this is too much, though I doubt it.
Thanks Steve! I think I've got at least part of the problem figured out...not enough light and the wrong growing medium. I'll give them another try, only I'll place them in the same light as my catts instead of the shadier place I've had them in before...hanging under the vandaas...and I'll try the sphagnum too.